Processed with VSCOcam with f2 presetAugust was buy viagra an exciting month for THC’s Adopt-An-Apartment Program. Two churches, St. John’s Episcopal Church of Norwood and St. Mark’s Episcopal Church of Silver Spring furnished two apartments for families coming out of homelessness and into THC’s Transitional Housing program at Partner cialis leg pain Arms 2 in Petworth.

St. John’s of Norwood came on August 2nd with a group of 5 volunteers to furnish a two bedroom apartment for a mother and school-aged daughter. This small but dedicated group brought in beautiful furnishings for the family. We spent time reflecting on the importance of housing, and of a stable home life for children as they grow.

St. Mark’s Episcopal Church of Silver Spring furnished a two bedroom apartment for a mother and two school aged youth on August 23rd. Despite the rainy weather, this group of volunteers created a beautiful space for this family. One volunteer remarked on the importance of community, and how they see their church and the Adopt-An-Apartment-Program as a special way to support families during a critical time of change

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in their lives.

Processed with VSCOcam with f2 presetThe impact of these experiences still resonates with THC Volunteer Coordinator, Samson Girma. He reflected, “I was inspired to see, between the two events, how many people have done this before, and how many people look forward to doing this every year. It is something parishioners truly enjoy doing. It’s important because it makes a huge impact on the families; it gives them a platform to start their new lives. And the volunteers are able to see their impact in a meaningful

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Many thanks to the volunteers and congregation members from St Mark’s and St. John’s for your hard work and time on a Saturday morning and to those that donated apartment furnishings! Special thanks to Langdon Healy and Rick Ufford for organizing your donations from your congregations

If you are interested in learning more about THC’s Adopt-An-Apartment-Program and getting your congregation or group involved contact Samson Girma at

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