2014 Webster Gardens Tutoring 69“Futures is about empowering young women. Women are often the providers for the family, so the more skills and opportunities that we give them, the higher their academic achievement and employment will be,” explained Lissa Ramsepaul, THC’s Director of Clinical Services. For this reason, THC is launching our newest program, Futures.

This training and experiential learning series will give women and girls the opportunity to gain financial literacy skills and real-world work experiences. The combination of learning and short term internship opportunities is intended to support women in getting higher paying jobs, increase employment, and give them more access to educational opportunities.

Futures will be specifically focused on women between the ages of 19 and 21 years old, while Futures Jr. will focus on two age groups: 12-14 and 15-18. Through weekly workshops, THC staff will discuss issues ranging from budgeting, financial assistance for higher education, resume writing and more. Each workshop series will be modified based on the age of the participants to engage them in ways that they find meaningful. After the workshop series, the women and girls will move on to their internship opportunities! By working at local stores and organizations, they will gain valuable knowledge and first-hand experience in different work environments.

This winter, 103 families will begin their journey with this program! Futures was created through the generosity of the Rainmakers Giving Circle of the Washington Area Women’s Foundation.

Wondering how to get involved in Futures?

THC is looking for volunteers and supporters to get involved in a variety of ways. First and foremost we are searching for internship placement sites for

our participants–if you own a small business, run an organization, or are looking for administrative support please contact Lissa Ramsepaul at lramsepaul@thcdc.org and Rada Moss at rmoss@thcdc.org to talk about ways to collaborate!

Additionally, THC is looking for volunteers from a variety of professional backgrounds that are committed to the advancement of women and girls to support our weekly workshops! Contact Kate Stritzinger at kstritzinger@thcdc.org to learn more about this volunteer opportunity.


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