
The young adult members of the Washington National Cathedral congregation call themselves the  20s&30s group. An active faith, fellowship and service oriented community of young adults, they  volunteer their time to perform service-oriented events throughout the year.

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They’ve organized a Thanksgiving Basket Drive and lead summer spiritual events, accepting any and  all that want to participate regardless of where they are on their individual faith journey.

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On Saturday, June 18th, the 20s&30s participated in something new—Adopt-An-Apartment with  THC! After weeks of collecting donated furnishings from members of the National Cathedral  congregation, the group met at Partner Arms 2 on Georgia Avenue to ensure that a homeless family might have a home; and a comfortable one at that!

After a few hours heavy lifting, the group relaxed in the newly situated furniture and took in all their hard work. Ethan Bishop, coordinator of the group had this to say: “We had an amazing time working within the National Cathedral congregation and community, as well as the surrounding neighborhoods to collect items for THC’s Adopt-An-Apartment Program. We had the chance to connect at a variety of points throughout this unique volunteer opportunity, normally not an easy task with everyone’s busy D.C. schedules. One of our favorite parts of this whole project was not only making such a direct impact, but telling people about the great work of THC and, hopefully, getting them excited enough to possibly adopt an apartment for themselves.”

For more information on the Washington National Cathedral’s 20s&30s club and their upcoming events and activities, email 20sand30s@cathedralcongregation.org.

As THC continues to grow, the need to furnish apartments for families entering the Transitional Housing program is greater now more than ever. Interested in furnishing a home for a family coming out of shelter? Contact Quinn Miller at qmiller@thcdc.org to learn more.

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