Thank You to Everyone Who Supported our Back-to-School Drive!
Housing Up has concluded another successful “Back to School Drive” for the 2019-2020 school year. This year’s drive was the largest ever in fundraising, supplies purchased, backpacks assembled and distributed, and gift cards issued for uniforms.
We began this drive with the goal of supplying every child in both Rapid Re-Housing and Permanent Supportive Housing with a complete set of school supplies based on the DC 2019-2020 supply list. The assembly stage was largely taken care of by the hard-working volunteers from Optoro, who packed 450 backpacks in just under two hours!
Our amazing community raised 11,552.80 and helped us distribute almost 800 backpacks to children in our program. Thanks to your support, we also distributed $2,950 to help families purchase new school uniforms. Every child in our PSH and RRH programs received the supplies they needed to start the school year.
Housing Up would like sincerely thank the following contributors to this year drive:
St. Luke’s Episcopal Church St. Paul’s Rock Creek Church
All Souls Episcopal Church Bethesda Church of the Redeemer
Optoro Holy Trinity Catholic Church
Christ Lutheran Church American Bankers Association
Nellie’s Sports Bar Vasanth Barre
Earle O’Donnell Darling Simmons
Stefan Loptkiewicz