Housing Up’s annual Back to School Drive provides students in our programs with the supplies and resources they need to thrive during the school year. Having access to school essentials, such as backpacks, pencils, notebooks, and calculators ensures our students start out the school year on track and with the resources they need to thrive. This year, we expanded our goal from previous years and set out to provide over 750 backpacks to families in need. With the generosity of our partners and donors, we were able to assemble and distribute 763 backpacks ahead of this school year, an impact that reached over 300 families across the District. 

Our work is made possible with the work and funding of our supporters and volunteers.

A special thanks to this year’s partners:

Christ Lutheran Church

Church of The Holy Redeemer

Andersen Tax LLC

American Bankers Association

Paola Molina – Community Member

JLL – Commercial Real Estate

Housing Up Associate Board

Union City Church members

We hope you have a great start to the 2024-2025 school year!

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