The new school year has arrived! As kids across the city return to the classroom, THC’s annual backpack drive has come to a successful completion. This year, over 300 school-aged kids in our programs received backpacks stuffed with all the supplies they’ll need for a successful year!

BCKP1This would not have been possible without the generosity and dedication of so many people.

We would like to recognize and thank the following: Gifts of Hope DC, The Episcopal Church of the Redeemer in Bethesda, the All Souls Memorial Episcopal Church in DC and the International Center for Research on Women.

Many times, back-to-school supplies can create a financial burden for families that are struggling to make ends meet; especially when it is a family with several children attending school.

What struggling family can afford school supplies when one person would have to work 3.4 full-time minimum wage jobs just to afford fair market rent in the city?

Luckily, there is a vast network of informed, caring people in the DC area that provide for those less-fortunate. All children, regardless of age or background, should be given an equal chance to succeed in the classroom.

Again, we are so grateful to everyone that participated in this year’s drive! If you’re interested in next year’s drive, or have questions about THC’s volunteer programs, please contact Volunteer Coordinator Quinn Miller at

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