Our Challenge
Washington DC’s homeless population is nearly double the national average due to the high cost of living. The city grows by thousands of residents annually, creating a great need to maintain and expand housing options for low- to moderate-income, homeless and at-risk families.
3,705 single persons and 1,172 adults and children in 389 family households are experiencing homelessness in DC
61% of adults in these families rely on public assistance as their main source of income
73% of extremely low-income people in DC are severely rent-burdened, devoting over half their income to rent
Our Impact
Housing Up helps families find stable housing and paths to success.
1,446 childrenserved in 2022
900familiescurrently served by Housing Up
542 units
of affordable housing developed

98% of families maintained stable housing in 2022

Developing Affordable Housing
Housing Up is recognized as a leading nonprofit affordable housing developer in the District of Columbia. Since 2010, we have developed or preserved 542 units of housing for low-income families, all of whom have incomes earn well below 60% of the area median income (AMI). Fifty-four of our affordable units house families with incomes below 30% of AMI. We are committed to building safe, vibrant communities through providing mixed-income affordable housing with resident services.

Housing Up’s permanent supportive housing (PSH) program is based on the national, rights-based “housing first” model, which focuses on quickly moving families experiencing homelessness into permanent housing with leases in their own names, and then providing additional supports and services as needed. PSH is specifically designed for chronically homeless families with mental health disabilities, a history of substance abuse and/or other physical health disabilities. These families need intensive support to remain in housing and are better able to move forward in their lives if they are first housed.Our portfolio projects, Partner Arms 1 (14 units), Partner Arms 2 (12 units) and Weinberg Commons (12 of 36 units) host Housing Up’s “single site” PSH programs, providing 38 families with stable residency. PSH provides on-site case management to assist families in both maintaining their housing and accomplishing their life goals.
Housing with Care 1 and 2, Housing Up’s “scattered site” PSH program, provides comprehensive case management for families who are housed in apartment buildings located throughout the District. We serve 113 families through these programs. Housing Up service teams provide the same case management and services as in our single site locations, but meet the families in their homes and in different community locations.

Rapid Re-Housing is designed to move families experiencing homelessness into quality housing as soon as possible. Rapid re-housing often includes people experiencing homelessness due to short-term financial troubles with limited or no income, survivors of domestic violence, and those with substance abuse issues. Housing Up’s rapid re-housing program quickly moves families who are experiencing homelessness into permanent housing with leases in their own names. Once families are stably housed, we provide short-term (up to 12 months) rental assistance and case management support to assist families in getting back on their feet and regaining economic self-sufficiency. Support services include financial support through security deposits and rental subsidies as well as employment, education, and financial literacy resources. We currently serve 380 families in our rapid re-housing program.
As affordable housing has become increasingly scarce in the District, we have recognized the importance of permanent housing as the most effective way to end chronic family homelessness. Our focus, in alignment with DC and federal government strategic plans, has shifted away from transitional housing to more permanent housing solutions. We are in the process of converting our current transitional housing property to permanent supportive housing programs, to better serve families experiencing homelessness. We currently serve 13 families in transitional housing.Transforming Lives
Youth Enrichment
Our youth enrichment program provides the education and development resources children need to thrive and envision a future that includes higher education and economic independence. READ MORE
We provide housing counseling services as part of a holistic approach to help families access and maintain stable housing. READ MORE
Case Management
Our case managers take a family-centered approach to provide services that transform families’ lives. READ MORE
Resident Services
Our resident services program provides stability and financial independence to 150 homeless and low-income families in our affordable housing developments. READ MORE
Get Involved
We believe that service has the power to transform the lives of our staff members, families and volunteers. READ MORE